1. Introduction

Diabetes is one of the Health Threatening problem not only happen in Singapore but as well as in other countries. An example is United States. Statistic conducted in the United States shown above reported the age group and number of people getting Diabetes. The most common trend of people getting Diabetes is the group of people aging from 45 to 64. This statistics only show the people diagnosed with Diabetes in one country. How about the other countries in the world which statistics have not been conducted? Thus we want to do some research to see what can be done to reduce the patients suffering from this illness. Our target audience are Singaporeans with Diabetes. We want them to have a glimpse of hope, knowing that we are trying to do some research to find a cure. Diabetes, at present, is a disease that does not have a complete cure and may get worse if the patients do not how to handle their illness properly. If their condition get worse, they may have to amputate their limbs or become blind as well as suffer from serious symptoms that occur through the process. We think this topic is compelling to us as our relatives and friends are suffering from Diabetes. When we see them go through the pain and knowing that we might have a chance of inheriting this Disease makes it scary for us. Therefore, our research will give everyone more knowledge on how to prevent these serious setbacks from happening to you. 

Diabetes is a defect in the body’s ability to convert glucose(sugar) to energy. There are 2 types of Diabetes, Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes, or traditionally called adult onset diabetes. The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes is that type 1 Diabetes occur when the pancreas, the organ that is suppose to produce the insulin stops working due to an auto immune response and the body has destroyed the insulin producing cells in the pancreas. Insulin allows the glucose to enter the cell. It acts like a key to open the “door” of the cell to allow glucose to enter the cell. The glucose level and the insulin level in the body are usually balanced. More insulin will be produced when there are more glucose. Glucose comes from the food that we eat like fruits, carbohydrates and diary products etc. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body does not properly use it ,making type 1 diabetes last for life while type 2 diabetes a bit easier to cure. There is also a stage before Diabetes that is called pre-diabetes and as you can guess, is a warning sign that the person is about to contract Diabetes, where at this stage, if found out, must be stopped immediately so as to prevent it from actually turning into type 2 Diabetes which is irreversible for now. The main reason why Diabetes is caused is because the excess fats in ones body causes their pancreas and insulin to become resistive. The more one eats, the more sugar content there is in the food, resulting in the pancreas and islets to constantly produce insulin to remove the sugar content. After a long time of eating so much, the islets “burns out” and is too exhausted to continue producing any more insulin, therefore the blood sugar levels soars and causes the body to develop Diabetes. One big question remains after all the research done: How can it be stopped? There has yet to be a cure for diabetes so the population of people with diabetes cannot be decreased totally down to 0%. It has been proven that there are certain health risks that if eliminated, will significantly reduce your chances of contracting diabetes. Also, it is better if identified earlier to be stopped, so scientists have been working on how to figure that out. Possible cures for people with diabetes will be touched on although not as significantly since they are not reliable and any possible cure will still be years away, still leaving much research to be done. Some projects we will be looking into will be the cinnamon test that is a part of the diabetes food test, the symptom system and the Capsaicin Cure.  The Cinnamon Test is one of the many extensive foods that have been tested to see whether it will help pre-diabetics to reduce their blood glucose levels. That way, a list of do’s and don’ts to eat can be suggested to future pre-diabetics to decrease their chances of actually getting Diabetes. One successful food test is that of Cinnamon, where a group of 22 pre-diabetics participated in a study where the participants who added the cinnamon extract supplement to their daily diets over a three-month period showed a significant decrease in their blood glucose levels which decreases the chance of contracting diabetes. Those who took pills, medicine, or procedure prescribed showed no change or an increase in blood sugar levels as the syndrome continued increasing the risk towards turning into type 2 diabetes. This applies for the Symptom System Test where it will help to find what causes Diabetes to stop it earlier. One such Symptom System test reports that type 1 diabetes is hereditary. That way, scientists can identify the problem and try to find a solution so that the risks of getting diabetes will be lowered. The Islet Cell Transplantation allows diabetics to not take insulin for a period of time. It still comes with medication although the diabetics body often rejects the new islet cells, making the time off insulin short lived. It is not that recommended, since the side effects can sometimes be a bit dangerous. Near future advancements may also mean that better drugs will prevent islet cell rejection, hopefully turning this into a near future cure. The last project, the capsaicin cure is one of the most interesting, with a very close answer to a possible cure. They injected capsaicin, the active compound in chili’s, into a few laboratory mice’s pancreas after deliberately giving them type 2 Diabetes. The result was that the pancreas was numbed and allowed the islets to produce it’s insulin in irregular amounts. By eliminating the pancreas, the islets are able to produce insulin which regulates the blood glucose level. They have yet to come up with a positive answer though through this news, it proves promising.

To find out more about the topic, we decided to carry out research on Diabetes. 

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